The present website, logo, content and data of relevant websites, belong to the intellectual property of the private limited company under the company name “ZenArchi Studio”, based in Avenida de Gran Breteña, 9, 29651 Mijas (Málaga-Spain) which is developed by the architects firm under the distinguishing sign “ZenArchi Studio”.

ZenArchi Studio is entitled to amend following terms of use, without prior notification, at any time, by displaying the amended text in the present website.


The entire content of the website including, but not limited, to the logo, texts, symbols, graphics, pictures, blueprints, images, in general distinguishing signs and generally any type of documents, belong to the intellectual property of ZenArchi Studio and is subject to national provisions about intellectual property, except for eventually explicit recognised rights of third parties. Any reproduction, republication, copy, storage, sale, lease, loaning, transmission, distribution, issue, execution, download, translation, amendment or by any way exploitation of the present content, entirely or partly, without the prior explicit written consent of ZenArchi Studio is prohibited.


The visitor of the present website is obliged to read carefully following terms of use before he is going to visit the websites and in case of disagreement, he is obliged not to use them. In any other case it is presumed that they have been accepted unconditionally.

The visitor is obliged to protect his personal computer with appropriate antivirus and anti-spyware programs and to care for their frequent update to the latest versions.

The visitor is obliged to comply to applicable laws and regulations and to avoid any illegal or abusive use of the ZenArchi Studio’s website content, including misleading public about the origin of the website content.

Any damage caused to ZenArchi Studio, deriving from misuse or abuse of the websites by the visitor, will draw corresponding legal civil or/ and criminal.


Websites of ZenArchi Studio use cookies for technical reasons and in order to collect information regarding your behavior and preferences. Cookies are small text files with information, that we put on your device, in order to be able to retrieve such information every time you browse our websites offering you the relevant services. An example of such information is your preference on our websites, as it may be demonstrated each time you browse them (e.g. by “clicking”, or according to your research). Cookies are useful for you and for ourselves in order to make our websites function more efficiently. We store cookies in your device, according to applicable regulation and to the extend that it is necessary for the function of our websites. For the use of all other kind of cookies, relevant to advertising, or for statistical purposes, we will ask for your permission.

You may not consent to the use of specific cookies or you may disable them from your browser when you browse our websites. You may change or revoke your consent at any time by using the relevant form in our websites. In case you disable cookies that are used for technical purposes, browsing our websites may be dysfunctional.


Navigation and use of ZenArchi Studio’s website shall be carried out under the sole responsibility of the visitor.

ZenArchi Studio uses its best efforts to make sure that its websites are updated, protected from malicious attacks and viruses and continuously functioning, but not providing any guarantee. ZenArchi Studio shall not be liable in case of technical or other abnormalities or in case of entirely or partly lack of availability of its websites. ZenArchi Studio cannot be assumed in any case responsible for any failure/ damage may occur to the visitor due to or in connection to the website use of

Information, pictures, drafts provided or illustrated in the website do not provide any corresponding direct or indirect guarantee on their marketability or suitability and they do not constitute advertisement or direct or indirect advice on their use, without ZenArchi Studio’s prior written consent or study.


The present terms of use, as in force, are subject and supplemented where necessary by the Spanish Law. Any dispute with the visitor of the ZenArchi Studio’s websites may be resolved by the Courts of Madrid in Spain.


EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/EC/2016/679) (the “Regulation”) is applicable as of Sept 21th, 2021 in all member states across Europe. It introduces new rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.


Means any information relating to specific natural person or person who can be identified in particular by reference to his/her name, address, e-mail address, identity card number.

We collect personal data provided by you, in order to be used for our architectural services to you. Specifically, we collect following data:

Name and surname
Telephone number
Contact address
E-mail address

Personal data provided by you are stored in general for purposes regarding our transactions, communication, improvement of provided services, compliance with the regarding obligation towards you and the authorities, and due to those purposes, you provide us with your consent to store and process your freely given data to us. We collect and process your personal data, when absolutely necessary. We will never sell, lease, distribute or publish them in any manner.

In case you are under the age of 16, you shall have parental consent in order to provide your data to us.


Means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

In order to provide our services to you we may share your personal data with specific third companies, which are under our orders (as processors) providing their services to us in order to ensure optimal service to you. Our Company ensures that the processing personal data received from the co-workers- third companies, are subject to contractual limitation clauses regarding the purpose of processing and storage under the Regulation with regard to technical and organisational measures on correct and safe processing of your personal data. The Company as well as our co-workers, who are subject to privacy and confidentiality clauses, are processing your personal data honestly and lawfully for explicit and specified purposes. Those entities have been chosen carefully and they comply to current legislation on personal data protection.


Controller is the company under the company name “ZenArchi Studio”, based based in Avenida de Gran Breteña, 9, 29651 Mijas (Málaga-Spain), which is developed by the architects firm under the distinguishing sign “ZenArchi Studio”.


Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/EC/2016/679) you have following rights:

Right of transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject (Article 12, 13, 14 of the Regulation), i.e. your right to inform on the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended.
Right of access (Article 15 of the Regulation) your personal data which have been collected by us.
Right to rectification (Article 16 of the Regulation) of inaccurate personal data which have been collected by us.
Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17 of the Regulation) your member-user account as well as the information we have on you.
Right to restriction of processing your personal data (Article 18 of the Regulation)
Right to object (Article 21 of the Regulation) o processing of your personal data
Right to withdraw your consent (Article 7 of the Regulation), i.e. to withdraw your consent of processing your personal data at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
Right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, the AEPD Data Protection Authority (C/Jorge Juan, 6, 28001- Madrid, )


We implement effectively appropriate technical and organisational measures, both at the time of the determination of the means for processing and at the time of the processing itself, taking under consideration the principles of personal data protection, such as data minimisation, in order to meet the requirements of this Regulation and protect your rights. Your personal data do not become accessible to an indefinite number of individuals.


The retention period of information we have collected by you, depends on the type of the information supplied. Information assumed as necessary for the execution of our services towards you are retained for as long as required by the nature of services and according to our obligations under the current legislation. In any case we do our utmost to ensure that your information will remain safe, by having already taken all necessary appropriate technical and organisational measures.

If deemed necessary in order to comply to our legal obligations, to resolve disputes or to reinforce our terms and conditions of use, we shall retain some of your data, as required, even if there is no longer need to provide services to you.

In any case your personal data are limited to the absolutely necessary to achieve those objectives, they are precise and transferred only to authorised entities, who are bound to confidentiality and privacy and comply to the terms of the present policy.

In any case we observe any breach of the present policy, which includes the likelihood of having revealed your personal data, we will inform within 72 hours since the acknowledgement of the incident the Hellenic Data Protection Authority as well as the natural persons to whom the personal data belong.

Given that we do not employ over 250 employees in our Company, that we perform occasional processing of personal data, that we do not process special category of personal data, neither data relating to criminal convictions and offences, we are not obliged to maintain a record of processing activities


ZenArchi Studio does not transfer your personal data whether within the EU or abroad to third countries. Should such developments occur, users will be informed by announcement of the updated privacy policy.


ZenArchi Studio unilaterally reserves the right to update, alter or review the present privacy policy, which is valid from Sept, 21th 2021 as well as the terms of use of its website, without prior notification of the users, in order to improve its services and harmonize the provisions of the current legislation (National and Community legislation) regarding the personal data protection. For that purpose, we kindly ask you to visit this Privacy Policy regularly, in order to inform about the changes made.